Why Superstar Artists Are Clamoring to Sell Their Music Rights 01/2021

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Why Superstar Artists Are Clamoring to Sell Their Music Rights 01/2021

Message par shadow's lisa »

Why Superstar Artists Are Clamoring to Sell Their Music Rights

Musicians are cashing in on their catalogs to the tune of millions. What’s driving the trend? Which artists and songwriters have sold their rights — and what does it mean?

By Tim Ingham & Amy X. Wang

Of all the music-business trends ushered in by the pandemic year, the ascent of the back catalog may feel the most counterintuitive. Musicians are stuck at home without the ability to perform or tour, and yet the worth of their old music catalogs is sky-high. What gives? Here are the factors on all sides of the negotiating table that have led to the current catalog acquisition boom — and the high-profile artists, producers, and songwriters who’ve cashed in so far.

“L'ironie du sort, c'est la face cachée de notre destin.” © Paul Guimard


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